The Carthage Game Overview is finally revealed! Our art direction has come out magnificently. Can't wait to finish off our miniatures, and finalize things. This game is as beautiful as it is vicious!
Check us out at GOBfest in Edmonton April 7th and 8th!
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Quick update with a little sneak peek of our Kickstarter Promo Video!
Love the voiceover! -Luke So very honored to introduce our new art direction. Check out a updated playerboard and box render! Moving towards a more artistic and faded approach. Let us know what you think! - Luke
We got a 3D resin print of our first mini this week! This is the THRACIAN! Hero of the People! A great sculpt and we are excited to see more! -- Woot Woot
Its Official! We are smashing kick-starter this may!! - Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for all the updates!
My wife is a perfectionist ... i am not. This is no mystery to either of us... but i makes for a fun adventure when it comes to design decisions and when something is good or when it needs to be better (see how i said good their, my wife would say "then it needs to be great") ... Now I know your reading this thinking "oh Luke doesn't want to make his game great then" ... no that's not true ... I'm so excited about what Carthage is slowly becoming and its turning into such a intensely thematic game. ... OK ... What I am trying to say is that because, we know that my wife is a perfectionist and I am not, and we are both aware of this ... it makes for a interesting time making design decisions. I always assume my wife thinks my work needs more tweaking, and my wife always assumes I did not do enough to make the design good enough... its honestly fun, but as you can imagine can be trying at times ... but alas, that is the journey of working together in design.
-- cheers - Luke |